
We have a lot of catching up to do.

My father recently informed me that it's been too long since I posted anything.  Well, it's been about two months since he informed me.  That I haven't posted since October 9th.  It's far too overwhelming to try and recap everything that has happened since then, so I'm going to fill you in on the monumental events in my life since the beginning of May.  

Most noteworthy,  Katrina got MARRIED!

I tend to leave most of the photography up to my friends, but Libby and I did capture this masterpiece before the ceremony. 

It was fun to have (almost) everyone back together, but Megan's absence was notable.  

Thankfully, technology is crazy, and she was able to watch the entire thing from ZAMBIA. 

 Is that not ridiculous?!  Technology has also allowed me to have story time across the globe with my favorite four year old.

 Just look at that face.  Too.  Much.  Cuteness.

Even better, this precious mother/son duo will be making their way to 'merica soon!

The Spring also brought the much-anticipated return of baseball season.  For the first Rangers game I got to attend, baseball bingo was an obvious inclusion. 

They're struggling right now, but the Rangers are still surpassing all expectations.  Even after major changes to the clubhouse.  A few former team members have had welcome returns to Arlington with their new teams.  This, however, was too soon: 

The end of school also brought about a first in my five years of teaching.  

I successfully brainwashed my students.

Three of them.  Doomed to futures at Texas Tech, texas university, and (worst of all) LSU,
three of my wonderful students have officially stated that they now plan to attend Texas A&M University.  The two girls have practically decorated their future dorm room together.

Look at how they celebrated the good grades of their classmates!

In other news, I have a pet.  Yes.  Me.  A pet. 

Around the end of school, I started noticing this chirping noise that I was convinced was coming from my house.  I just knew there was an animal trapped inside.  I was finally convinced to go check the attic, so I went in the afternoon when the whole world was well lit and non-scary.  Naturally, I didn't go unarmed. 

This picture does not do justice, but I put on thick leather gloves, brought a giant (and heavy) flashlight, and brought along a container to trap anything on the off-chance that I saw and managed to capture something.  This happened to be my first ever trip into my own attic (I'm a great homeowner), and I was pleasantly surprised by how spic and span the previous owner left it.  So spic and span that it was clear there was no sign of life anywhere.  

After friends came over to consult, they sat in my living room for twenty-five solid minutes of silence until the chirping finally began.  We searched outside and inside.  We turned to the experts at google/youtube to compare animal noises.

Without question, I have a bat living in my backyard.

I have yet to actually see this bat.

Having stated previously that I'd be more creeped out by a rat than a bat, I had to eat crow.  I am equally creeped out by a bat.  Except that it's still outside.  And supposedly since it only makes noise at night it is healthy and not rabid. 

Still creepy, though. 

My friends suggested that naming it might make it less creepy, so we christened it Billy Bob.  Then a good friend added (since I was still not enthusiastic about this new creature) that Honey Bun is a name that has never frightened anyone.  Since then, I have almost anticipated Honey Bun Bill Bob Bat's arrival each night.

Okay not quite, but I do notice when he doesn't show up as early as usual. 

Last, but certainly not least, is the arrival of something I had been looking forward to since 2010.  

Fast & Furious 6

I bought my tickets a week in advance for the first showing, but a week later some friends gave me the best ever start to summer vacation: 

They brought me to see it again at a DRIVE IN.  These wonderful friends who had no desire whatsoever to see this movie drove me almost two hours away to a teeny tiny town to see it for the second time in nine days.  

Alright, so truthfully it wasn't the best ever movie for a drive in.  All the high speed action scenes and back-alley back-stabbing are better viewed on an enormous screen in a loud theater.  

But who could sit through a movie sitting on a patio chair in the bed of a truck, with a tiny portable radio as the only (although surprisingly great) sound system? 

Yes.  Of course I brought cowboy hats for us to wear.

On the long drive home, my friends were very curious about the back story to this sixth installment, and I realized that there were many details I have forgotten.  Don't let that prevent you from running to the next showing immediately - it's still wildly enjoyable.  It encouraged me to head to the nearest walmart and purchase the first four.  

Friends, you have until July 11th, 2014 to prepare yourselves. 

Ride or die.

Love, Murphy & Me

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