
You Can't Make This Stuff Up

I was DELIGHTED to have a visitor today!

Padre had to travel to San Antonio for work, so he decided to make the trek up north to see me tonight.  We went to see the movie I have been eagerly anticipating for months now...

(Apologies for the tiny picture - I didn't realize it would be so small, and I'm too lazy to find a larger one.)  It was fantastic.  I hope they make a 3rd one. 

Before I get to the funniest part of my afternoon/evening, I need to share a tidbit from last night.  I had a few friends over for dinner and to watch the Rangers game.  We've been trying to make it happen all summer, and finally everyone's schedule worked out.  This picture is also not great, but I wanted to document for Poppy + Goola that I got to use all the bright and cheery serving ware they sent me!  

One of the friends had yet to see my house, so I was giving her the full tour.  She must have told me eight times at least that I need a pet.

I'm sure anyone reading this knows me well enough to know that I do not, in fact, need a pet. 

I'm not pet people.

"Even just a hamster or a fish."  "Ooh!  Or a bird." 

No.  I'm not pet people.

Okay, we're sufficiently informed.  Fast forward to this afternoon.

When I got home from work, Padre was waiting for me in his car out front.  I went out to meet him and saw a small-ish dog running near us in the street.  I looked around for who he/she/it might belong to but so nobody.  It had tags on, so I decided to call the owner and put the dog in my backyard until he/she/it was claimed in order to prevent he/she/it from getting hit by a car.  One phone call and a few minutes later, "Fred" came with a leash to retrieve Cookie from my backyard.  

Shortly after that, Padre requested a tour of the house and wanted to see the garage.  I opened my garage door so I could put some boxes in the recycling bin when... whadyaknow... up runs Cookie.  

It had only been about thirty minutes and the dog had managed to successfully escape again and make his/her/its way back to my house.  

This time I wasn't as hospitable.  Padre sent me inside so I could close the garage door while he distracted the dog.  

We talked for a bit longer before heading to the movie theater.  A few hours later, we got back, hugged goodbye, and he headed out front to his car.  He immediately started cackling with laughter and shouted "You can't make this stuff up!!!!"  

I caught only the slightest glimpse of Cookie sprinting toward me before I turned, slammed the door shut, locked it, and yelled goodbye one last time to my dad.


  1. Maybe you IS pet people and you just don't know it. Apparently cookie has a different opinion. Baaaaaa LUTS!

  2. okay laughing out loud because i know the feeling all too well.... i was walking back from another house today and the hughey's dog ran up to me and i immediately said "don't you dare lick me..." and just kept going... oh merle... love you. ~ kzb
