
Bathroom Humor

I've discovered that you can tell a lot about a person by how he or she reacts to a dog's biological functions.  

Sometimes you have company over for dinner and, within thirty seconds of entering your home, the company tries to rub your puppy's belly and gets peed on.  

Sometimes you bring your dog to Home Depot because you're supposed to socialize him.  You even make sure to let him outside before hopping in the car.  But then he poops all over the floor of the garden section.  Then pees while you're checking out.  

Thankfully, in both instances, people could not have been nicer.  I was especially mortified at Home Depot and offered to clean it up, but they assured me that it wasn't the first time and won't be the last.  They even stopped to pet Murph before cleaning up his mess.  

Did I mention he was walking while pooping?  So it made a long trail of poop across the aisle?  

Okay, good.  

On the bright side, Murphy is getting smarter and braver every day.  This morning he took a two mile walk with me!  We passed a few cars, some yards with barking dogs and even a person walking the most well-trained pit bulls ever.  He hardly blinked.  

Tonight, we tried to walk again.  Maybe it was too much after the embarrassment of the Home Depot incident, but he was terrified of everything.  Every.  Thing.  

A car?  Obviously a giant steel death trap.

Men of all ages and races?  Each of them out to get him, naturally. 

A small child walking next to her stroller?  Oh heavens!  She's clearly a cold-blooded killer!! 

I think Murphy is a morning dog.  I have some transitioning to do. 

I'll leave you with this.  My parents were visiting this weekend, and Padre bought Murphy his first pool.  Murphy has no idea what to make of the creatures in the bottom.  


Murphy & Me

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